Our Vision

Max Motors vision is to build a mobility platform for a billion Indians which provides them an affordable, reliable, convenient and seamless experience. Our technology stack is enabling an EV ecosystem created around our Driver Partners by integrating vehicle/accessory sellers, charging/swapping providers and public transportation/demand hubs on one platform.

Our Mission

Our intension is to gift this wonderful God's gift nature for the future generations, this intension drive us towards EV Max Motors fitment manufacturing. Present geographical conditions we are experiencing lot of environmental & biological damages because of pollution which causes in many ways, for this one of the reason is Internal Combustions Engines which releasing lot of waste carbon gases and Smoke damaging our environment.

To counter this environmental damage we invented a relevant solution for this which reduces the damage to our nature in feature and we came with Electric Vehicle – EV solution for existing 3wheeler autos with our Indigenous technology of our Max Motors fitments.

Advantage and also reads to capture this market 50% with in 9 months.